Saturday, August 8, 2015

Origins of my niece's and nephews' names

Just for the record, I am including the origins of my sister's children's names so that all the cousins are equally enlightened!

Justin Wade 
Holly and Clayton were torn between two opposing schools of thought.  There was the almost compulsory tradition to name the son after the long line of fathers before him, or they could completely break with tradition and give him a fresh, original name that would make him unique and special. Never wanting to offend or hurt feelings, this was a difficult, wrenching decision for them.  In the end they chose unique.  They had never heard of another child named Justin and liked the meaning of the name, "justice," which, of course, turned out to be a totally appropriate choice.  They liked the name "Reed" for a middle name but wanted to save that name as a first name in case they had another son.  (How did they know?)  They equally liked the name, "Wade," which sounded very similar, so Justin Wade was born.

Leah Noelle
Naming a girl was a bigger ordeal.  I personally remember Holly and Clayton each making lists of favorite names, and then realizing that few names appeared commonly on both lists.  Noelle was a mutual contender as a first name, but Clayton declared that if the two women in his household were named "Holly" and "Noelle" he was going to change his name to Santa Claus.  He liked the name Nicole as well.  Up to the moment of her birth, the name they had settled on was "Lisa Nicole."  When they told the delivery room nurse their choice of names, however, her reaction was less than enthusiastic.  They told her their second choice, "Leah Noelle," and the nurse LOVED it.  So a delivery room decision was made and we have our Leah.  After the fact, it was learned that "Leah" was the middle name of a dearly beloved aunt.  Meant to be.

Reed Clayton
His name was always going to be "Reed," even before he was conceived.  Holly had come across the name "Reid" years before, and thought it was original and appealing.  "Reed" was also the middle name of Clayton's step-father.  Three strong family names were under consideration for a middle name: Foster, Ramsey, and Clayton.  This was a tough decision as all of them were meaningful choices.  The decision to go with "Clayton" was made at the last minute.  The same delivery room nurse that influenced Leah's name was present at Reed's birth, but it is not clear whether or not she was involved in this decision.

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