Sunday, August 30, 2015

Virginia and the Allens, Lewis's and Warners

Just some random thoughts on recent discoveries....

Me > Virginia Crofford > Teresa Allen > Augustus Allen > Robert Scott Allen > John Watson Allen > Turner Allen > William Carr Allen (m. Mary Lewis, dau. of Col. Charles Lewis).

Even though Augustus Dozier Allen was born in Illinois, his father, Robert Scott Allen, was from Virginia.  I love that my grandparents came back to Virginia almost a century later from "out West" not knowing that they were returning to the land of their ancestors. Full circle.

Augustus' middle name, Dozier, came from his paternal grandmother's mother, Ann Dozier, who married Robert Scott of Lunenburg, Va.  Source: The Georgia Frontier:  Revolutionary War Families to the mid-1800's.  (Google books)  This new branch on the family tree was immediately confirmed by DNA matches!

Could the name Augustus have come from his 5X great grandfather Augustine Warner?

I am still shaking my head over the fact that my grandmother's family came from New Kent County, which is a place that I have always loved.  When I drive to visit family in Old Church, I always take the back roads through New Kent.  Maybe my ancestors' spirits drew me there!  Col. Charles Lewis was born at "Chemokins," a plantation that, coincidentally, my Uncle Herman Lukhard (different side of the family) worked as a tenant farmer in the early 1900's.  The land was originally purchased from Col. John West (the old West store is still on Rt. 360 at Old Church Rd).  Col. Charles Lewis sold Chemokins in the late 1700's to George Webb, and it was in the Webb family for more than a hundred years.  It was sold to J.L.Slaughter and the Hampstead Land and Phosphate Company in 1889.  I have passed the Hampstead property many times and wondered what was beyond those brick entrances!  The Hampstead House, built in 1825, is on the register of historic homes in Virginia. It sits on a bluff with a view of the Pamunkey River. There are ruins of buildings on that land that were probably there when the Lewis' owned it.  It is owned by the Wallace family today.  I looked it up on Google maps, satellite view, and could see some very old gravestones there - I just may have to knock on their door one day!

UPDATE July 2023: On a recent drive through New Kent County, I saw that the Hampstead land is being cleared of forest, and the house can now be seen from the road. I learned that the property is being turned into a destination/wedding venue. That was good news. 

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