Saturday, July 25, 2015

Origins of my son's names

Middle name of my great grandfather, John Adam Zaun, and his father before him.  Both were called "Adam."

Austin family lore claims an ancestral relationship to Aaron Burr.  (Possibly true:  Grandfather Austin's mother was Lillian Burr; however Aaron Burr's only daughter Theodosia died without children so the relationship cannot be direct).  In the book, Burr, by Gore Vidal, the main character was Burr's illegitimate son and his last name was Schuyler.  A bit convoluted, I admit...actually, I just like the name.  It means "scholar," and it has surely proven to be fitting.

Just always loved this name.  It would have been the name of my first child except a close friend had a son right before mine and named him Joshua.  So I changed it.  Turns out it wouldn't have made a difference at all.  I was very glad I had another chance to use the name.

His father's middle name.

Wanted to use the name John, but couldn't agree.  Jonathan was close enough, and I could call him "Jon" if I wanted.  Jonathan in the story of King David is my favorite Bible character.  I was happy to find out that this is a family name from colonial New England.

His father's first name.

By this time, we had a pattern going.  All biblical names, in order of appearance in the Bible.  Names began with A - J - J ...  needed another A.  Andrew is the name of my great great grandfather Hall.  It was good, except I didn't want to call him Andy.  So we shortened it to Drew.

Paternal grandmother's maiden name.  Other Austin boys have the middle name Kelly too.  Family tradition!

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