Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Ancestry DNA

For my birthday this year, I asked my mother for a subscription to newspapers.com and a DNA test.  Am I a nerd or what?!  I filled a test tube with my saliva this morning and prepared it for shipment.  I cannot wait to see what it reveals about our family.

The newspapers.com subscription proved its worth in the first day.  I found a dozen articles about my enigmatic great grandfather, Augustus Allen.  Those articles helped me to flesh out his life story.  The most heart wrenching discovery was this personal ad in the Wichita Daily Eagle the week of May 5, 1919:

TO ANYONE knowing anything of A. D. Allen, formerly a real estate dealer, would appreciate all information.  Teresa Allen, 125 Pine Bluff, Paris, Texas.  

Teresa died not knowing what ever became of either of her parents.  I am hoping the DNA test will finally find them.

Oh, by the way, I also applied to be on the Genealogy Roadshow!  I received a letter confirming that my application is being considered.  I sent them the story of Teresa Allen.

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