Sunday, September 20, 2015

Family Names

Genealogy is so much easier when people give their children traditional family names.  I have been able to verify my research countless number of times by looking at the names of all the siblings of my ancestors.  One or more of the siblings will usually have a middle name that comes from a grandparent or great grandparent.  Many times at least one sibling will have a middle name that comes from a maternal ancestor, which is the only way the maternal name is carried on.

Here is an example of how this naming tradition helps me.  I am having difficulty finding information on John Watson Allen.  I believe he is my 3X great grandfather, but I can't find any documentation to support that.  However, I can make assumptions based on what I do know:
  • John Watson Allen married Rebecca Scott of Lunenburg County, Va.   
  • Rebecca Scott's mother was Ann Dozier.
  • Robert Scott Allen is the father of Augustus Dozier Allen, my great grandfather.
  • Robert Scott Allen was born in Lunenburg County, Va.
  • One of Augustus' sisters is named Rebecca Scott Allen.  
Therefore, I can conclude that John Watson Allen and Rebecca Scott must be the parents of Robert Scott Allen.  This conclusion does not meet genealogical proof standards, but it is all I have to go on at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. You should review the post of Anne Goodwin on the Allen-Scott-Dozier connections. It is very likely that Ann Dozier is your 4th great grandmother, not Jemima. See


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