Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Results: 21% DNA - Ireland/Scotland/Wales

My DNA reveals that I have 21% Irish/Scottish/Welsh ancestry. I have ruled out any significant amount of Irish blood in my family, which is too bad considering that my son is traveling to Ireland next Spring... I was hoping to find some places of origin for him to explore. The Scotland and Wales connections are easier to identify.

The Croffords are most certainly from Scotland. The original Horace Crawford (Crawfurd, Craufurd) came from Scotland to New York and settled in the Genessee Valley. He was a millwright. Horace is my 3X great grandfather. My primary source is a document written by my great grandmother Ada Crofford. Granted, she sometimes has errors in her family histories, but Horace would have been a close relative - her father-in-law - so the likelihood of error in information about him is less. The Crofford DNA is probably enough to account for most of the 21% Scottish blood in me.

Clan Map of Scotland (Crawford)
The Crawford clan originates in the Southern part of Scotland
Crawford Castle
Crawford Castle was in existence in 1175
John Dillingham, my 3rd great grandfather whose daughter Anna married Calvin Crawford, is said to have come to America from Wales. This particular piece of family lore is in question, but is mentioned in several fairly reliable sources.

Then there is my 14th great grandfather, Sir Ieuan Deulwyn Bushe. born in 1427 at Rodes Court in Carmarthenshire, Wales. He was a famous poet whose work (50 poems) has survived to the present day. Whitfield Barrie Abbott is descended from the Bushe line through the Sabin family.