Friday, June 26, 2015

Songs My Grandfather Sang

My grandfather, Horace Crofford, was always singing and tapping his foot, often with me on his lap.  He played his harmonica or his Jew's harp and sang songs of the Old West.  Until I learned more about his life through my genealogy research, I never realized how closely these songs were tied to his personal experiences.  His love, Teresa, was the "yellow rose of Texas."   His mother was raised in the Red River Valley in North Dakota; there was also a Red River Valley in Texas near where my grandmother grew up. He was born and grew up in the Black Hills - a mountainous area in the midst of vast territory where the buffalo roamed, where the deer and the antelope played.

Horace Calvin Crofford > Virginia Crofford Zaun > Teresa Zaun Austin

Yellow Rose of Texas

There's a yellow rose in Texas, That I am going to see,
Nobody else could miss her, Not half as much as me.
She cried so when I left her It like to broke my heart,
And if I ever find her, We nevermore will part.

She's the sweetest little rosebud That Texas ever knew,
Her eyes are bright as diamonds, They sparkle like the dew;
You may talk about your Clementine, And sing of Rosalee,
But the YELLOW ROSE OF TEXAS Is the only girl for me.

When the Rio Grande is flowing, The starry skies are bright,
She walks along the river In the quiet summer night:
I know that she remembers, When we parted long ago,
I promise to return again, And not to leave her so. [Chorus]

Oh now I'm going to find her, For my heart is full of woe,
And we'll sing the songs together, That we sung so long ago
We'll play the bango gaily, And we'll sing the songs of yore,
And the Yellow Rose of Texas Shall be mine forevermore. [Chorus]

Red River Valley

Song by Marty Robbins

From this valley they say you are leaving
We shall miss your bright eyes and sweet smile
For you take with you all of the sunshine
That has brightened our pathway a while

Then come sit by my side if you love me
Do not hasten to bid me adieu
Just remember the Red River Valley
And the cowboy that's loved you so true

For a long time, my darlin', I've waited
For the sweet words you never would say
Now at last all my fond hopes have vanished
For they say that you're going away

Then come sit by my side if you love me
Do not hasten to bid me adieu
Just remember the Red River Valley
And the cowboy that's loved you so true

Home on the Range

Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam
Where the deer and the antelope play
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day
Home, home on the range
Where the deer and the antelope play
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day

How often at night where the heavens are bright
With the light of the glittering stars
Have I stood there amazed and asked as I gazed
If their glory exceeds that of ours

Home, home on the range
Where the deer and the antelope play
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day

Then give me a land where the bright diamond sand
Flows leisurely down to the stream
Where the graceful white swan goes gliding along
Like a maid in a heavenly dream

Oh I would not exchange my old home on the range
Where the deer and the antelop play
Where the seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day

"She'll Be Comin' Round The Mountain"

She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes
She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes
Coming round the mountain, she'll be coming round the mountain,
Coming round the mountain when she comes
She'll be driving six white horses when she comes
She'll be driving six white horses when she comes
She'll be driving six white horses, she'll be driving six white horses,
Driving six white horses when she comes
And we'll all go out to meet her when she comes
Yes we'll all go out to meet her when she comes
We'll all go out to greet her, yes we will all go out to meet her,
We'll all go out to meet her when she comes
She'll be wearing red pajamas when she comes
She'll be wearing red pajamas when she comes
Wearing red pajamas, why is she wearing red pajamas,
Don’t know why but she'll be wearing red pajamas when she comes
She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes
She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes
Coming round the mountain, she'll be coming round the mountain,
Coming round the mountain when she comes
Coming round the mountain when she comes

Ain't Gonna Rain No More

It ain't gonna rain no more, no more
It ain't gonna rain no more.
How in the heck can I wash my neck
If it ain't gonna rain no more!

Bicycle Built for Two

Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer true.
I'm half crazy, all for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage, 
but you'll look sweet
upon the seat
of a bicycle built for two.

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